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Monday, January 14, 2008

Coming out of the Forest the Million Mile Journey - Introduction - chc

Coming out of the Forest

September 7th 2002


After taking studying in Human Resourses for my Associates degree,
it was the Interpersonal Relationship courses that inspired me to write the journals.
Though knowing what I was about to go through due to the guidence counclers and being choosen as well for the journey ahead I thus started my time line in as far back as I could remember.
Through pealing back the layers one by one as need be to be a good councler,
and many grasping on to the threads of the bare carpet,
and sitting with a friend and foe Dr. D.
as I journey into my inner self through out the 3 years of collage until September 6th of 2002.

Inspirations of the rawess of my inner being bursting forth to unfold the story's knowing.
After months of intense prayer God he now telling me to tell others about the journals and books.
Write the book
Write the book
You are a book
take a look
now I share with you as you are the inside of me inner exchanging,
you are the bait thats on the hook.

Since the year 1986 I have studied on how to write a book,
as all of my journals were stolen,
Though I know now the plan of why.
for that was the when, where, how, and what,
my life was willing
to allow my pondering once more for this why only in as my regular psychology teacher and teaching me abnormal psychology,
Mr. wisdom stated
"we are where we are suppose to be," as such things are as they should always be."
though allow me to state from Mr. Clay My socoliology teacher
that forming a commmunity
comes from the knowing of self and
a norm
forming a
accepting any friend of yours is a friend of mine
reproducing a healthy enviroment of a colony building.

so from there I color coded my journals as so.
making them into little colonys.
until it was time.


I found school work in Gods time.
I have been taking notes in a journal not knowing what God wanted me to write.

Now He is guiding me as to He is telling me I am ready and open to hear him as always in the Holy Ghost.
Guiding me stating Get out of the way as I move aside and sigh with relief.

Coming out of the Forest
Million Mile Journey

subject for copyright Cathy H. Cook 1-14-2008

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