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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Unraveling The Stars

Vital to understanding the Shifting of the unraveling of the stars

this is the JOURNAL OF THE reading 1 of 3 not "yes" displayed youtube in brightlightspathfinders links

now You shall follow the trail.

and not test me "D"

DADUM ON!!! I REPETE DADUM ON!!! 3=8 triangle Entry for January 11, 2008
In my next three constellation stories, I will do the three constellations of the Summer Triangle. They are still visible pretty high up in the Western sky after sunset, and they are easy to find even when the sky brightness isn't ideal. First up is Cygnus the Swan, better known to many as the asterism "The Northern Cross". In most cultures, this is known as a bird of some kind, flying either North or South.

The brightest star in Cygnus is Deneb, which comes from the Arabic for "The Hen's Tail", Al Dhanab al Dajajah. In fact, Deneb appears in the names of many stars that represent tails (for example in Leo and Cetus, which I'll be talking about soon). Deneb is, indeed, the tail of the swan which is flying south across the sky river of the Milky Way, eternally chasing Aquila the Eagle. This star is very far away, with a distance between 1600 and 3200 light years (the nearest star is just over 4), and to be as bright as it is at that distance requires a considerable intrinsic luminosity, over 60,000 times that of our Sun. The reason for the distance uncertainty has to do with the difficulty of measuring such a small parallax angle.

This supergiant is incredibly large in size compared to our Sun as seen by this comparison image from Wikipedia. It's luminosity is such that it is thought to be responsible for lighting up the nearby reflection nebula known as the North America Nebula (NGC 7000), but that depends on whether our distance estimate is accurate since we know the nebula is about 1600 light years away. The region of the sky immediately surrounding Deneb is rich in glowing nebulae and star clusters, as I'll describe later.

At the bottom of the Northern Cross is the star also known as the beak of the Swan: Albireo. The original Arabic name is Al Minhar al Dajajah, "the beak of the hen", and that name was translated to ab ireo in Ptolemy's Almagest, then later mistaken for Albireo by translators. This is perhaps the finest double star in the sky visible through a small telescope. The color contrast between the yellow topaz and blue sapphire star is unmistakeable. Burnham claims that the star clouds just to the NE of Albireo are probably unequaled in splendor in the entire heavens. The current thinking is that this is a physical pair, as they seem to move together through space, though no orbital motion has been detected as yet (it could just be a very long period binary system).

Gamma Cygni is called Sadr, and it is at the center of the cross. It is between Sadr and Albireo that the richest star clouds in Cygnus will be found through a telescope. There are a great many faint but interesting stellar objects in this region, and I'll hit a few of the highlights. First is the binary system known as 61 Cygni. This is the first object for which a parallax angle was successfully obtained by Bessel in 1838 (it is sometimes called Bessel's Star in his honor).

This 700-year period binary system has been observed continuously since the 17th century in some form or other, and the orbiting companion has visibly moved about halfway around its elliptical path in that time. This object was noted to have a very high proper motion (about half that of the record holding Barnard's Star) in 1792. It was later found to be at a distance of about 11 light years, which places it as number four in the list of stars closest to Earth, behind the Alpha Centauri system, Sirius and Epsilon Eridani.

SS Cygni is a bright nova (also called a Cataclysmic Variable) that recurs about every 50 days or so, brightening by a factor of about 40 from 12th to 8th magnitude. This is one of the most heavily observed systems in the sky, but we still aren't sure what is causing the flares. Is it a standard nova or some kind of interaction between the two stars that is causing a recurring flare on the main sequence star? Normally, a nova is caused when a star dumps matter onto a white dwarf companion. Every so often that matter on the surface of the white dwarf ignites fusion and burns up, creating a big show but leaving the two stars intact.

One of the more famous novae is V1500 Cygni, which last erupted in 1975 and hasn't gone off again since. Its eruption increased the system's brightness by a factor of nearly 100 million, a record but still within the theoretically calculated range of possibilities for such objects. Novae have different outburst frequencies which depend upon the separation of the objects and the nature of the companion that is losing its mass to the white dwarf. P Cygni is thought of as a "permanent nova" because it is a star with a very strong stellar wind. The star is surrounded by an expanding shell of gas that leaves a distinctive spectral line signature thanks to the Doppler shift pattern.

Cygnus X-1 is one of the 1st detected sources of X-rays in the sky, found about halfway between Sadr and Albireo along the bottom stem of the cross. The source is likely very hot gas in an accretion disk surrounding a black hole. Matter from a bright, hot star is falling in toward an object that is at least 10 or 15 solar masses according to its orbital properties, but we can't see the companion. So we figure it must be a black hole, one of the first indirectly detected black holes.

Among the deep sky objects are M29 and M39, two relatively small star clusters. M39 is about nine degrees ENE from Deneb and a good binocular object. It is a cluster of about 30 bright stars spanning a field the size of the full moon. If you are facing the cross at Deneb is at the top, then East is to the left. Also to the left of Deneb by only about 3 degrees is the spectacular North America Nebula, one of the most photographed objects in the sky, along with its companion, the Pelican Nebula.

A more difficult object is the Veil Nebula, sometimes called the Great Cygnus Loop (parts of it are also known as the Witch's Broom). This is a filamentary, almost circular band of gas that is likely an expanding remnant of a supernova explosion that occured thousands of years ago. As this expanding shell sweeps up the surrounding gas, it is like a star-forming front, leaving an empty region behind. If you count the stars inside and outside the loop, you find a lot more inside since the dust is being swept out of your line of sight.

The extragalactic star of the show here is Cygnus A, the second strongest source of radio waves in the sky (not a good object for small telescopes, though ... too faint). This is a galaxy about 600 million light years away, and the energy is coming from two enormous lobes of excited gas on either side of the galaxy. The lobes are created by jets of energetic particles being ejected from the core of this strange galaxy in opposite direction. The precise source of this phenomenon is still poorly understood.
from: an observer I found on the internet interesting isn't it!

Friday January 11, 2008 - 09:06pm (EST)
ty for your time
as I feel your energy shift..changes only change when you change them
channge is just that change
for change never changes
only you, I,
can change the change
don't rush a brightlightspathfinders
for I am intensly bright
not to be over whelmed
nor rushed
for I will brightly shine so passionately like the sun that burns! If not protected properally.
now i push the button briefly and take down a hundred or 5
Tags: brightlightspathfinders, bbsradio,placed here due to foridden to enter my arcives

Thursday January 10, 2008 - 07:18pm (EST)

CATHY "TASSY' HILL from: Tim Lahays book
Tags: bbs, tentiave, brightlightspathfinders, 1-9-08, temperments

Wednesday January 9, 2008 - 03:29pm (EST)

Show Outline
Callings Within
Be willing to step into the mysterious unknown.
Situations of stanama, be willing to listen.
Like that of a melody in rythems that speak to ones soul,
opening churning the urning of hearts desires deep inside.
Creative response within you, the voice of wisdom, or
Calling to be spontanious. as this greatly tunes the ear
for the spiritual pathfinders as to Lessons of meditations.
meditations = listening to Higher Self GODS VOICE WITHIN.
God Created within briliant woundermous mirror image the gift of Man.
As we bright lights search on this pathfinders way this thursday,
findings by my journal readings of many, I shall read for & of you
by call ins, and talking to you by bbs radio communication energy signall waves sent out out readings_ inbetween. Helping you as you help me.
The answers in the outcome of what the souls voice often in wounders of that "WHY" am I in restlessness or seeking of an understanding might bring about.
What is the Feedback your life is giving you?
Is your energy shriveling or growing...
Moving or getting lamed?
Maybe you have to wait for more evidence
before you decide what anything means.
I want to share with you in this hour:
how, what, when, where, and there is the why all along...
our powers of discernment of clarity that are routinely
clouded and reinformed by all matter of impulses, hankerings, emotions ulterior motives and intuitions, that may in fact be fear.
Descerning means seperating.
So first before we attempt to seperate the true from the false, the ripe from the unripe, we do a bit of hunting and gathering by listening in which draws the various voices within us.
As I have always said
what the Hunter hunts so the Hunter is hunted.
I will take you on your BrightLights Pathfinders way seeking
with readings from various colored journal writings written by me in which I heard spirit of my Higher Power speaking as well as my inner child and adult self Souls channelings in which shows me the way
BrightLights Pathfinders -
GBU always forever and a day more,
Tassy Hill
Thursday 1-3-08
Study Journals, various Teachings of How to
Read oneself.
Within The Calling Of Ones Soul,
Pathfinders Reaching Inside their center inward,
by casting Outward To Unfold.
Interpitation Stories Told &To Behold.
We Center to activate through listening within,
to draw all positve toward us placing outward positive energys magnifly.
Tassy Hill
Tags: bbsradio, brightlightspathfinders, 1-3-08

Wednesday January 2, 2008 - 05:20pm (EST)
My New Year Tradition: Naming a Star" ( in prep.) Daddys Passisng

See the above magnifined photo for the "STAR" NAME AND OWNERSHIP PAPERS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For all that Pass and all that are awakened, I name a star. As daddy was passing and quite ill I named this above star as now our family has 38 people come march. woah how it has grown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This past year star is Zeuphroditie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOr how I birth and gather that of a milkey way visit the tag on the Left Diamond Alighs. and watch the video and documentations. as boopsters totally knows for I placed many a instant messages as well in her box. she stilll isnt talking to me nor the entrie messenger I sent over to the awakening group or the other group that I had. in over 200 names of friends for over 6 yrs as to shanagains. and false gossep. I pray and god bless you one and all and that you watch the below video and realize the alignment and realities of what I am here for and your purpose of calling as you will not make it in to the LIGHT withholdings of false hoods. place past fizzles unraveled stars where they need to rest and birth a new beginning of a bright light in your path. now tonight on this first day of 20088 in this moment of the day GO NAME YOUR STAR! GOD SPEED I HAVE YOUR BACK AS I STAND BESIDE YOU! and your mirror has your front and hearts of the queens and kings are within THE I AM IAM IN YOU AND ME! UNITY AS ONE UNIQUELY PACKAGED SPIRITUALLY
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:11 PM): do me a favor
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:13 PM): plz
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:19 PM): will u just focus out side
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:22 PM): on one flake
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:25 PM): for me
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:29 PM): name it
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:32 PM): for me
dreamcatcher_1958 (12/31/2007 6:44:49 PM): ok
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:35 PM): lenah
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:42 PM): and watch it as high as u can
dreamcatcher_1958 (12/31/2007 6:44:59 PM): lol does my neighbor count ? meaning hte flake
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:44:45 PM): till it falls
dreamcatcher_1958 (12/31/2007 6:45:08 PM): its not snowing now
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:45:00 PM): ok when it does
dreamcatcher_1958 (12/31/2007 6:45:21 PM): ok
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:45:08 PM): cause i am going to name a star tonight
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:45:11 PM): leana
dreamcatcher_1958 (12/31/2007 6:45:29 PM): oh cool
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 6:45:21 PM): u naming ur star
dreamcatcher_1958 (12/31/2007 6:45:51 PM): ddint know anything bout it

Great Star Minds Think Alike! we even

"type o"

a like oney one and I do...

I call her oney one for 11:11 as to that is the oney one!

which reprosents though we just adore numbers seed!

God Bless you Oney One!

brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:17:25 PM): happy new year oney one luff u
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:17:39 PM):
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:17:46 PM):
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:17:46 PM): in 3 com ein nice here
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:17:49 PM): fire doc
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:17:52 PM): many
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:18:03 PM): is it full
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:18:19 PM): nope
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:18:41 PM): kkkkk kk
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:57:34 PM): hey great diea
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:57:43 PM): lets have evey one name their own star tonight
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:57:45 PM): wot
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:57:49 PM): to shine oer them all yr round
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:57:52 PM): i did
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:57:54 PM): b r there
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:57:58 PM): in rooom>
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:57:59 PM): ?
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:00 PM): say that in room
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:01 PM): ya
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:04 PM): lol
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:58:07 PM): yeah ill br there
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:58:16 PM): u and i will give them names
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:18 PM): mine is leela
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:58:29 PM): shatia just cam eo tme
coffeebean_queen (12/31/2007 11:58:31 PM): for me
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:34 PM): woah
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:39 PM): 2 mins
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:43 PM): turn cam on
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:58:45 PM): quick
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:59:24 PM): awwah
brightlightspathfinderstassy (12/31/2007 11:59:29 PM): hey star


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